A common issue many people meet is that thier footer does not properly stick to the bottom of the page.
Luckily this is easy to fix. Here is an example of the way this can be done. These are also commonly
known as sticky footers.
<div class="main_container">
<-- Header content -->
<-- All of the important stuff -->
<-- Footer content -->
How does it work?
This simple solution works by making a container that holds all the content and then positioning all
the elements within it using grid.
min-height: 100vh
is used to make the container take
up the full height of the page while still allowing it to grow if needed.
1vh is 1 hundreth of the viewport height (the height of the browser
window). This means that the container will take up all of the viewport height.
display: grid
is where the magic starts. It allows us to control the sizing of
its contents in a grid where we definine the size of each row.
grid-template-rows: min-content 1fr min-content
defines the size of the
header, main, and footer sections in that order. The min-content
is used to tell the grid to make the content as small as possible while still fitting. By default
wants to make all its contents equal. So 1fr means that the content
will grow as much as it can with the remaining space. If the space is insufficient, the content will
simply fit its self inbetween, this is our sticky footer!. On the other hand, if the content is
it will continue to grow to fit.
Also worth mentioning is the
* {
box-sizing: border-box;
is used to make sure that the padding and border are included in the total width and height of the
container. Its is a good practice to use this in general as it tends to make more sense to most
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obcaecati ducimus consequuntur vero debitis iste? Consequatur corporis ea voluptatum minus cum esse
reprehenderit itaque, saepe sed aperiam fugit a quasi vel iusto! Architecto, harum mollitia laudantium
pariatur ut, animi cupiditate placeat atque debitis doloribus nesciunt. Voluptatum neque ratione
fugiat, molestiae rerum aliquam, totam amet sint in sit officia cumque iusto nemo tenetur fugit
accusantium. Fugit a non iste numquam ipsum molestiae impedit corporis id quae. Expedita nihil fuga
incidunt beatae ad iusto nostrum, veritatis velit vel eligendi! Culpa voluptatum velit adipisci at
voluptas corporis eaque sint quaerat! Incidunt explicabo mollitia iusto. Optio magni a
distinctio. Illo, et! Ad, rerum quia. Voluptatum fugiat sit minus nulla ex quam ducimus facere
aliquam odio facilis rem totam velit, ipsam molestiae incidunt repellat mollitia nisi ea animi sunt
dolorum. Nihil aspernatur, corrupti cum aperiam voluptates cupiditate explicabo, sed sequi ut animi
excepturi velit mollitia. Temporibus magni magnam eveniet facere libero reiciendis nam dicta laudantium
quia, recusandae impedit doloremque distinctio! Voluptatem provident animi dolore vel ducimus quos,
reiciendis beatae eius assumenda quas commodi hic blanditiis amet quod totam molestias sapiente
laudantium cumque omnis? Ipsum placeat ea dolores quia eum tenetur! Libero deserunt esse amet eaque.
Qui doloremque necessitatibus consequatur eligendi laboriosam voluptates voluptatem accusamus ullam iure
cupiditate perferendis illum cum commodi quae, repellendus error! Dignissimos amet incidunt ab quia
ut! Maxime, laudantium? Similique quos minima praesentium neque modi rem repellendus, eos inventore
repudiandae laboriosam mollitia pariatur necessitatibus exercitationem laudantium beatae sint ad,
assumenda, voluptatem quisquam ex animi odit! Nihil, minus. Quis facilis perspiciatis sed labore,
maxime ducimus ex soluta eius repellat aspernatur, temporibus veniam magni sapiente, totam ipsum quam
quae quidem consequuntur nesciunt alias. Alias modi praesentium possimus enim libero? Cupiditate
quam, tempore odit nam reprehenderit in ad temporibus fugiat distinctio perferendis eos eius ullam.
Debitis consequatur eaque, ipsa, modi commodi cupiditate ducimus ex voluptas reprehenderit deleniti ad
perspiciatis ab. Quasi impedit sit libero aspernatur tempora. Laboriosam similique in maiores
dignissimos sunt omnis mollitia, voluptas quas sint dolores consectetur minus quibusdam libero
recusandae laborum vitae commodi hic sed iusto a.